This is a note about keeping a record of the work history of government employees in West Bengal in a service book. This record should be kept in a special book i.e. service book in two copies. one copy is kept by the employee and the other is kept by the employer. It is the employer's responsibility to maintain accurate records of the employee's job activities, as well as every step in the employee's official life must be recorded in the service book. No erasures or mistakes are allowed. The service book must be verified and updated annually with information about the employee's attendance, exams, and declaration of assets. This note provides guidelines about how the service book should be used and updated.
Read MoreService Book : Opening and Maintenance (Synoptic note)
This is a synoptic note about the GPF (General Provident Fund) (West Bengal Services) Rules. These rules apply to all full-time West Bengal Government employees. The first entry in the fund is after one year of continuous service. Employees need to obtain a GPF Account Number from A.G., West Bengal before completing one year for Gr. A, Gr. B, and Gr. C employees, while appointing authorities or D.D.O. maintain the accounts for Gr. D employees. The subscription should be between 6% of total emoluments and total emoluments. The subscription may be increased or reduced each February. Subscription should be stopped three months before retirement. beside that, it offers I.T exempts subscriptions up to Rs. 1.5 lakh for every year. The interest rate on deposit changes every year. Advance of up to 50% or 75% may be taken to fund education, marriage, illness, and land/building purchases/construction. Part-final withdrawals of 50%, 75%, or 90% can be made after 15 years of service or within 10 years of retirement. To withdraw, employees must fill out Form 10A and Form 10B and provide a DDO Certificate for the previous 12 months. Refundable advances can also be turned into non-refundable advances if specific conditions are met.
Read MoreGPF (WBS) RULES (Synoptic note)