Guidelines for medical treatment & reimbursement under West Bengal Health Scheme 2008:
1. Use recognized hospital under Scheme
2. Show Identity Card & give copy to hospital
3. Give office address & number for indoor treatment
4. Inform office within 3 days of starting treatment
5. Check identification number on hospital bill
6. Check procedures/investigations coded on bill
7. Check surgical procedures charged at package rate
8. Claim within 3 months of discharge for indoor treatment
9. Claim within 3 months for OPD treatment
10. Permission needed for specific procedures/treatment
11. Permission needed for out-of-state specialty hospitals
12. Report over-billing or unnecessary procedures within 15 days
13. Use appropriate Essentiality Certificates forms for gov't employees
14. Sanctioning Authority to issue maximum amount per approved rates.
Read MoreGuidelines for claims under West Bengal Health Scheme, 2008
Travelling Allowance (TA) is provided to government employees for travel-related expenses incurred during official travel. Various types of TA are available, including monthly, unconditional, distance, daily, and actual cost allowances, and eligibility is restricted to travel undertaken in the course of public service. The amount of TA varies depending on the employee's pay range, ranging from Rs. 4,100 to over Rs. 16,400. The daily allowance amount depends on the duration of the journey, and personal effects may be carried out in accordance with established regulations. Employees on temporary short transfers are also subject to the same rules, with revised rates applicable in lieu of earlier versions.
Read MoreTravelling Allowance (TA) Rules (WBSR Part 1)(Synoptic note)
The rules for government employees to keep their job positions, called "lien," allow retaining the job and its benefits. Lien can be lost when taking a new job, working in a different cadre, or transferring abroad, then regained when returning within three years. "One time confirmation and lien" means confirmation happens only once at entry post when meeting requirements. Confirmation is no longer tied to permanent job availability, and if too many people have lien, junior employees may be reverted to lower positions.
Read MoreLien Rules under Govt. of WB (WBSR Part 1) (Synoptic note)
This is a summary of the Leave Rules for government employees in West Bengal. All kinds of leave must be approved by the authorities. Leave cannot be claimed as a right and may be refused or revoked if necessary for public service. Earned Leave may be granted for medical reasons and private affairs. If not taken in conjunction with other vacation leave, a maximum of 120 days is permitted at a time. Half-Pay Leave and Leave Not Due may also be granted under specific circumstances. Extraordinary Leave is available when no other leave is admissible but is without pay. Maternity and Child Care Leave are available for female employees only. Joining Time is permitted for employees transferring to new locations, but not for new posts in the same location. There are also specific rules and definitions related to abstaining from work, strikes, breaks in service, and leave salary.
Read MoreLeave Rules under Govt. of WB (WBSR Part 1) (Synoptic note)
This is a note about keeping a record of the work history of government employees in West Bengal in a service book. This record should be kept in a special book i.e. service book in two copies. one copy is kept by the employee and the other is kept by the employer. It is the employer's responsibility to maintain accurate records of the employee's job activities, as well as every step in the employee's official life must be recorded in the service book. No erasures or mistakes are allowed. The service book must be verified and updated annually with information about the employee's attendance, exams, and declaration of assets. This note provides guidelines about how the service book should be used and updated.
Read MoreService Book : Opening and Maintenance (Synoptic note)
This document explains Government employee pay, which includes monthly amounts from various sources. Special Pay, Personal Pay, and Presumptive Pay are defined. Pay is fixed upon promotion/appointment to a higher post.
Read MoreGISS GISS 1983 & GISS 1987 (Synoptic note)
This is a synoptic note about the GPF (General Provident Fund) (West Bengal Services) Rules. These rules apply to all full-time West Bengal Government employees. The first entry in the fund is after one year of continuous service. Employees need to obtain a GPF Account Number from A.G., West Bengal before completing one year for Gr. A, Gr. B, and Gr. C employees, while appointing authorities or D.D.O. maintain the accounts for Gr. D employees. The subscription should be between 6% of total emoluments and total emoluments. The subscription may be increased or reduced each February. Subscription should be stopped three months before retirement. beside that, it offers I.T exempts subscriptions up to Rs. 1.5 lakh for every year. The interest rate on deposit changes every year. Advance of up to 50% or 75% may be taken to fund education, marriage, illness, and land/building purchases/construction. Part-final withdrawals of 50%, 75%, or 90% can be made after 15 years of service or within 10 years of retirement. To withdraw, employees must fill out Form 10A and Form 10B and provide a DDO Certificate for the previous 12 months. Refundable advances can also be turned into non-refundable advances if specific conditions are met.
Read MoreGPF (WBS) RULES (Synoptic note)
This document explains Government employee pay, which includes monthly amounts from various sources. Special Pay, Personal Pay, and Presumptive Pay are defined. Pay is fixed upon promotion/appointment to a higher post.
Read MorePay and Pay Fixation on Promotion (Synoptic note)
This document explains the rules and guidelines for government employees who will receive a pension, family pension, gratuity and commutation of pension. To qualify for a full pension, an employee should have worked for at least 20 years, but those with 10 years of service or more can receive a proportionate pension. Additional pension and family pension are available for employees of certain ages or in specific situations. The gratuity amount depends on the length of service and the reason for leaving the job. Commutation of pension allows for up to 40% of the pension amount to be taken as a lump sum. The document also mentions the documents needed for applying for pension and provides information on other related rules and regulations.
Read MorePension, Family Pension, Gratuity and Commutation of Pension (Synoptic note)
West Bengal Health Scheme, 2008 : Checklist for enrolment (pensioners): This is a checklist for government pensioners in West Bengal to enroll in the West Bengal Health Scheme of 2008. You will need to provide your basic information and details about your last job and pension. If you are a family member of a deceased government employee, you will also need their date of death and pension details. You need to provide information about your residential address, bank account, and treasury. If your spouse is also a government pensioner, you need to inform them about discontinuing medical allowance and enrolling separately. You need to provide details about your dependent family members who are below 25 years, unmarried, widowed/divorced daughter, sister, or minor brother; and your dependent parents whose income is less than Rs. 3,500 per month. Take note that the enrollment deadline is until March 31, 2012.
Read MoreWest Bengal Health Scheme, 2008 : Checklist for enrolment (pensioners)
West Bengal Health Scheme, 2008-Checklist for enrolment of Government employees: Government employees in West Bengal can enroll in the West Bengal Health Scheme of 2008 by completing all documents as per the checklist that includes their name, designation, and office address. They must also provide their GPF number and indicate the effective date of enrollment, as well as whether they have furnished option Form-A in duplicate. Other required information includes residential address, date of birth, date of entry into government service, date of superannuation, present basic pay, and family details. If the spouse of the employee is a state government employee, a joint declaration countersigned by the employer is also required. Enrollment is open until 31 March 2012, and new entrants have two years to enroll. Employees without a GPF number can apply for benefits using a Temporary Family Permit.
Read MoreWest Bengal Health Scheme, 2008 – Checklist for enrolment (employees):